there's a storm coming boys Editors Pick! Contributor's Pick!       
a friend and i were out taking pictures, of trains at the station when the coke train finally started to leave. here the conductor tells us, to head for shelter as a severe thunderstorm is heading this way. the storm just clipped us thats all.
Date: 10/18/2007 Location: Hammond, IN   Map Show Hammond on a rail map Views: 1326 Collection Of:   Joe Usselman
Locomotives: CSX 7617(C40-8) CSX 7303(C40-8W)    Author:  joe usselman
there's a storm coming boys
Picture Categories: This picture is part of album:  Joe's Hammond, IN train pix II
User Comments
Name Type Comments Date
Jeffrey Faherty General this shot is epic. nice work joe. 10/19/2007 12:06:45 AM
Rick Inselman General Wow! very nice storytelling on this one, great timing. 10/19/2007 8:37:21 AM
George Redmond General The weather was bad, but the shot is great. 10/19/2007 11:37:50 AM
Mark Herren General nice lighting as well...great work 10/19/2007 12:24:19 PM
Jason Myers General Very nice shot Joe! 10/19/2007 2:37:37 PM
Brian Titter General Magnifaco 10/20/2007 12:29:52 AM
Kenny Ravenscroft General Great shot!!!! Were the signals not working right due to the flares? 10/21/2007 4:37:33 PM
STEPHEN NOYES General A perfect serendipity for sure! I like this one alot... 10/22/2007 7:51:10 PM
BandA Fan General Previous comments just about sum it up! 10/24/2007 3:16:05 PM
- - General The lighting is amazing. Perfect. 10/26/2007 10:34:42 PM
Eric Burris General what's with the fusees 10/30/2007 10:11:12 PM
Earl Hampton General What's with the fusees? Probably signals are new and for a period of time trains must protect the crossing even if they are working. BTW, super shot! 11/13/2007 4:25:42 PM
Joe Usselman General The signals are not new, they were installed a few years ago. A conductor told me once on a different crossing (same line) that "it looks silly but he has to do it" Ive seen them do it on all CSX branch lines around here except the Porter branch. 11/13/2007 4:28:56 PM
Edward Kerns II General The fusees are used to protect the crossing, even if it has gates or not. The conductor is required to go out even in broad daylight and flag/fusee the crossing to ensure gates are working and that traffic won't cross the road. It is one of the CSXT Rule Books. A few conductors I know have been caught by the trainmaster for not properly protecting the crossing! 12/10/2007 10:50:17 PM
A. D. Mokrycki General Great light in this one, nice work. 12/17/2007 12:15:22 AM

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