Berlin InnoTrans Trade Fair  Contributor's Pick!       
The single-system DRAGON Co-Co is the first trac­tion vehicle of the six axle loco­mo­ti­ves family, specially tailo­red for the Polish mar­ket. DRAGON’s main advan­tage is a very high trac­tive force of the value of 374 kN which, in con­nec­tion with the loco­mo­tive weight of 119 t, a modern anti-skid sys­tem and an indi­vi­dual drive per each axle, allows it to drive fre­ight tra­ins of the weight up to 4500t. The axle load below 20t com­bi­ned with a spe­cially desi­gned suspen­sion result in the fact that DRAGON is per­fec­tly adap­ted to dif­fi­cult ope­ra­ting con­di­tions and pro­ves to work effec­ti­vely on Polish rail­way tracks. Newag S.A. is a Polish company, based in Nowy Sacz, specialising in the production, maintenance, and modernisation of railway rolling stock.
Date: 9/22/2014 Location: Berlin,  DE Country Flag Views: 176 Collection Of:   Peider SwissTrip
Locomotives: LOTOS 160(UNKNOWN)    Author:  Peider SwissTrip
Berlin InnoTrans Trade Fair
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